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iMediSync, CES 2021에서 뇌파융복합기 ‘iSyncWave’ 첫 선

By 2020-12-3011월 12th, 2021No Comments

iMediSync debuts iSyncWave, a dedicated device for neuropsychiatric disorders, at CES 2021

Published : Thursday, December 24, 2020, 3:45 am


iMediSync will showcase a groundbreaking EEG (electroencephalogram) brain mapping and LED-therapeutic device, iSyncWave™ at CES (Consumer Electronics Show) 2021.


iSyncWave™ is a gel-free, portable EEG brain mapping device with LED photo-biomodulators. The device is especially designed for the early detection and supportive care of neuropsychiatric disorders such as dementia, Parkinson’s disease, TBI, PTSD, ADHD, depression, etc. iSyncWave™ will help neuropsychiatric patients to treat their illnesses at both clinics and homes. It will also allow for individuals to facilitate regular checkups to prevent degenerative neurological disorders.


iSyncWave™ works with iSyncMe® – a mobile application that connects to iMediSync’s cloud platform, iSyncBrain®, the AI-driven EEG analysis platform for precision mental care. iSyncMe® also works as a telemedicine platform connecting iSyncWave™’s user to online doctors or mental care specialists.


iMediSync has completed a basic framework for their virtual care platform by adding iSyncWave™ and iSyncMe® to their product line. An easy and time-saving EEG brain mapping and LED therapy device can be used not only in clinics but also at homes by individuals. This will enable healthcare providers to monitor their patients remotely, providing constant care that can be delivered at home.



SeungWan Kang MD Ph.D, founder and CEO of iMediSync said “iSyncWave™ was created to provide an integrated service for both healthcare providers and individuals who want to understand their brain health with our comprehensive EEG analysis solution. At CES 2021, we look forward to meeting strategic partners who will pioneer the global market with iMediSync.”


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